So on the last post, I showed bits I was working on and got stuck. Now I have finished with this red quilt and happy to show you
For a while I was thinking to put three red pieces together to make one large piece but it didn’t look like a possible idea since I didn’t have big variety of reds to keep going. So three remained as separate pieces.
And then I thought adding some black background to them but I have two quilts with black hanging in my studio at a moment and didn’t want to have another one.
So I chose blue as background. Logical??
As you can see above, as I added blue curves to red parts and I made each circle more or less rectangular shape and then sliced them up in order to insert narrow blue strips.
I would like to slice them bit more if there weren’t too many seams overlapping as well as making them too tall and disproportion.
And then a background of blue gradation was added.
I really liked to add a large border to this finished top above but that would make it too large for a submission so there was no border and quilting was started.
I am trying to use contrasting coloured thread for quilting this year if it doesn’t distract the entire look. So I picked up bright red Aurifil thread first to be used on blues.
I started quilting curved shapes stretching from blue curves on reds and filled them with various flowing motives.
Then all the red parts were filled with doodle style spreading from the each centre.
Initially I was filling the rest with geometric shape to enhance red curves as you may be able to see in a above photo but it wasn’t really working even I was using mauve thread, different colour. So plan B and un-quilting had to be brought in.
My plan B was to fill it with flower motives because everybody told me they looked like roses! Thank you for an inspiration
The more I look at this quilt the more I like it–I would be very happy to have it hanging where I could see it every day. The piecing is innovative and imaginative, and the quilting is the perfect complement. Great work!
March 3, 2019 4:40 pm
Thank you for all your compliment. I am so fluttered
The more I look at this quilt the more I like it–I would be very happy to have it hanging where I could see it every day. The piecing is innovative and imaginative, and the quilting is the perfect complement. Great work!
Thank you for all your compliment. I am so fluttered